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Senior Portraits

Senior portraits are all taken at Christmas City Studios. Each senior must schedule their own appointment at their studio by February 1st. The reason for this date is because the studio needs to process all the photos and then send them to us in time for us to send the yearbook to the publisher the first week in March.

In past years, students have waited until January to make appointments only to find out there were no appoints left available to them before February 1st. This is really unfortunate, but there is nothing we can do about it. We don't control the photography studio and we don't control the publishing company that needs the book submitted on a certain deadline. We have to operate on the timelines of other companies.

All senior portraits that are included in the book must be the standard formal photo taken at Christmas City Studios. We do not use any photographs from personal photo shoots - we need them all to be a uniform size and quality. You may submit photographs from personal photo shoots on our submission page if you would like for there to be a chance we use them in any our collages throughout the book!

Over the summer, a flyer from Christmas City was mailed home to you. Here is a copy of it:

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 12.26.36 PM.png

Note that if you don't want to buy a package of pictures, it only costs $5 to sit down and take the photograph for the yearbook. 


If you do not have your flyer or lost the login they gave you, don't worry about it! You can still make an appointment by calling the studio.

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